I was also only using IG sparingly. Then I caved and started logging on more. It's hard. I don't want to get rid of it and I don't plan to, but I wish I had more self control when I do use it. I'm working on it. I don't want it to be my go-to, my boredom fix, or my first click on my phone.

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Yeah, I once again got caught in a "I have to be on all the time" and I don't love how it made me feel (or the fact that it made me forget about this post and these comments for two months) hello distraction. So I'm still trying to find my place there and how to only use it as a tool instead of where I go when I'm board, or the first place I click on my phone.

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I am right there with you on the whoooole topic of social media. I'm still trying to figure out if there's a better-for-me way to use it, or if I should slowly back away from it . . . for good.

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Same, it's been two months and I still feel the same way. Especially because I got caught up with social media once again.

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